Friday, June 25, 2010

Mixed Signals

Obama's latest pick for the Supreme Court has come under direct attack:

Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan is “not kosher” -- meaning she is not fit to serve on the court -- according to more than 850 Orthodox members of the Rabbinical Alliance of America. That's the term the rabbis used about Kagan in a press release issued Thursday, saying "Elena Kagan is not kosher. She is not fit to sit on this Court -- or any court."

The fact that they failed to prevent the election of a Muslim-schooled radical of foreign birth to head this government is starting to bear the fruits of disaster for Israel and the Jews in general.

Ignoring - or overlooking - his Muslim roots is proving to be a growing disaster.

What is it in Kagan's seemingly positive pro-amnesty, pro-homosexual, pro-feminist and anti-family background that has stirred the Rabbinical Alliance of America into action against her?

This may not be about Kagan at all. She just may be a pawn in a much bigger fight.

That fact that over 300 House Members and over 90 Senators just sent a letter to Obama proclaiming how alarmed and distressed they are over his views on the recent Israeli Commando raid may be what is really behind this attack on Kagan.

You know... Toe the line Barry, or we'll roadblock everybody and everything you want.

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