Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Totally Insane

A group known as the Shabaab, operating in Somalia, imposed a death sentence on a 13-year-old rape victim.

A 13-year-old girl, described as "little more than a pretty child," was sentenced to be stoned to death by the all-male court.

The girl, Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow. had complained to the local Shariah court that she had been gang-raped by, among others, her cousins.

So this court - packed full of world-class religious nut jobs - found her guilty of adultery and sentenced her to death by stoning.

She was taken from the courthouse to a local stadium, where she was buried up to her neck in sand and then stoned to death in front of a 1,000-plus strong crowd.

Groups like this batch of lunatics have sprung up and taken power everywhere during the last eight years, in part encouraged by Osama Bin Laden's seemingly miraculous ability to escape the Great Satan's(America) grasp.

As just how has Bin Laden been able to elude us for eight years? He's been hiding out in an area well known to our intel and military, protected and defended by perhaps few hundred rag-rag devotees, hanging out in caves and mud shacks. Osama has no money, no supplies, no backing, other than the few local chieftians who admire his hatred of all things American. By himself, he is not a threat of any kind, just an old man hiding out from justice.

But so long as he remains free to promote his ambitions to groups like this child-stoning one in Somolia, he is a real and deadly threat. He should have been removed years ago.

However, the Bush administration has consistently claimed their inability to nab this guy is because of our relationship with the government of Pakistan, a supposed "ally". Don't want to cause an international incident, don't want to be seen as aggressors, don't want to rock the political boat, don't want to upset the Pakistani power structure.

Personally, I find that hard to swallow.

Nabbing Osama would have effectively ended the terrorist threat around the globe. It would have removed the snakes head. But Osama has been left completely alone and unharmed. No predator strikes on him and his henchmen. No Delta force strike team slipping in under cover of night to send him to his seventy virgins. Strikes on Wedding parties yes, Osama no.

If Osama had not been allowed to escape the caves of Tora Bora, this would have been all over years ago. These "Sharia Law" bands of insane lunatics would never have got a leg up.

To put it bluntly, we have lost thousands of American military in this insane Iraqi war because there has never been an order to just take Osama out.

After Obama takes office, every key person in this present administration and the Pentagon - from top to bottom - involved in promoting this unjust war in Iraq - using terrorism as an excuse - should be taken before a court of law and tried for a host of crimes, starting with lying and ending up with murder and treason.

I have concluded a lot of this based on what I have read and heard. So, right or wrong, a nationally publicized trail would get to the truth of it all.

I again remind you that there were no WMD's found in Iraq, that Bush - in his desire to correct his father's mistakes - and exposed to the extreme pressure of influential Israeli supporters to remove Iraq as a serious threat to the continued existence of their nation/state in Palestine - ignored intel that pointed to the reality that those weapons no longer existed, and that Saddam had been telling the truth about having destroyed them all as ordered. Why? Because he did not want the armies of the world storming in and destroying what was left of his empire.

True, the United States had been keeping this "war" on the back burner with our "no fly zone" policy to continually bomb Iraqi for ten years after the Gulf war concluded. To this day, many Americans do not realize that we bombed and strafed Iraq positions for an entire decade after the conflict supposedly ended, allowing Bush to claim he was just expanding the already present military operations in the area, and then ordering the invasion and occupation of a nation no longer at war with us, a nation that had been complying with the U.N. ordered disarmament.

What will Obama do about this travesty?


Roci said...

I personally like the idea that Osama died in a cave in Tora-bora in 2002. His tapes since then have been very unconvincing to prove he is alive and well. No live interviews. No coming right out and mentioning current events with descriptive language that leaves no doubts.

Heck, the guy needs extensive life support from Western medicine that he can't get in the wilderness.

It is hard to find a dead man, when you are looking for one who is alive.

Roci said...

US forces only bombed and strafed locations that were shooting at them. The rules of engagement were very clear and scrupulously followed.

so yes, even though they had agreed to armistice, they continued to shoot at us for 10 years. (but mostly only every day of the last 6).