Thursday, November 06, 2008

New Sport... Wheel Watching

It's going to be interesting to watch the wheels come off the Obama band wagon over the next few months.

Already I see and read stuff that shows president-elect Obama will not get even a one-day honeymoon after assuming the presidency.

I'll bet a lot of you have already figured out that the Repubs did not want any kind of control in Washington for the next few years... as all the horribly bad decisions made by those beltline insiders come home to roost... with a vengeance. That's why they gave McCain - a worn out over-the-hill has-been his shot - it couldn't hurt anything, he was certain to lose.

Even so, Obama is so bad McCain almost pulled it out. That scared the hell out of those behind-the-scenes Republican string-pullers.

It's the democrats who will be in charge as this house of cards collapses, and it will be the democrats who get the blame, ensuring republican control of the federal government for the next quarter-century.

Doesn't matter how many wheels that bandwagon has... They're all going to end up flat in the dust.


Before you start hollering at me, remember that disastrous events are now unfolding that no man - Obama or McCain - could or would be able to control. It just turns out that Obama will be in the drivers seat - along with all those currently gleeful democrats - when we go over the edge... Too bad.

The thing that will make it worse for us all is that Obama - being the first black president - will really try to make things better in a situation that cannot be made better, so he will make terribly wrong decisions with historically bad consequences - even worse than Bush - especially bad for the next black who wants to try for the brass ring.

He would have been smart to wait four more years, but impatience and over-confidence has torpedoed many a career.

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