Friday, May 09, 2008

Records And More Records

Oil passes $126 while gas pushes above $3.67 a gallon.

Pundits have been telling us since 2004 that Osama may try to attack oil tankers at sea, since terrorists understand that disrupting our oil supply could ruin our economy.

Those terrorists are Arabs/Muslims.

OPEC, the organization that is sending the cost of oil through the roof, is a cartel made up and run by Arabs/Muslims, with Mexico and Venezuela aboard as minority members.

Try to think this through...

Arab/Muslims = Terrorists. Arabs/Muslims = OPEC.

The Arabs/Muslims hate Israel. We support Israel. If the Arabs/Muslims can ruin our economy using oil as their WMD, Israel will lose it's Superpower supporter. On their own, Israel won't stand a snowballs chance in hell of surviving.

The Arabs/Muslims win back the Middle East.

How much longer will it be before our Jewish controlled federal government and media start talking about what the rest of the world already knows... this Israel/oil connection?

Never, pal. We and our entire nation will go down in flames before it's ever even mentioned on CNN.

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