Friday, May 30, 2008

The Europeans Snicker

A headline:
Americans' Record $4 Gasoline Price Remains Bargain in Europe.
Europeans are wondering why we Americans show no signs of abandoning our vehicles as gasoline fetches almost $4 gallon. Europeans have been paying much more that that for at least six years.

Where a European may need to travel just a few miles to get from A to B, Americans often need to travel hundreds of miles. There is no known way to reduce the mileage our truckers have to travel to bring us all the things we need on a daily basis. Truckers MUST buy fuel, that's why diesel is 5 bucks a gallon, even though diesel costs less to produce than gasoline. Truckers can't carpool, double up their loads, or take some magical fuel-saving shortcut. Pure highway robbery.

Just look at a world map. Most of Europe would fit in Texas, not that we would want any of them here. You can drive clear across some of those so-called "nations" with less than a half-tank of gas.

Sadly, we don't have the public transportation systems they have. Europeans don't have to drive everywhere like most of us Americans do, so the cost of fuel does not hit then nearly as hard as it does us. Where they have a huge network of commuter trains and buses that need to go just a few miles from point to point, we would need a system many orders of magnitude larger. The cost of such a system would be astronomical, and we've already put all our transportation money into highways and airports. So we drive or fly, but both modes are becoming prohibitively expensive, meaning we need to create a national commuter system.

But the United States federal government, under the controlling hands of Israeli agents and lobbyists, is spending all our money on wars against any number of Arab States who want to see Israel disassembled, and - guess what? - control most of the world's oil, which (warning, science content): is made into gasoline, diesel and jet fuel for our cars, trucks and airplanes, the price of which is going through the roof.

Golly, Mr. wizard, do you suppose there is a connection?

So the Europeans are laughing at us... not because we are starting to pay the same price for gas as them... but why we are.

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