Sunday, December 11, 2011

Rick Santorum: America Second

Rick Santorum, a Republican candidate for the United States presidency, stated to a WND reporter:
The first priority of a candidate for president and president of the U.S. is to be sided with the state of Israel, and I would not be making a statement of that nature that would clearly cause a stir in the Middle East without first working with our allies to determine whether this was something that was helpful or not.
In my view, that by itself should prevent Santorum from holding any public office in the federal government.

For any national office candidate to make the statement that a State created under a dark cloud of illegality by the United Nations and a place run by a religious dictatorship has first priority above the survival and welfare of United States of America is simply unacceptable.

As a non-Jewish American, I naturally hold different views on the necessity of Israel's survival. I consider the survival of America to be far more important than the survival of this modern-day Israel, a place not created by god as so many would love to have us believe, but created by a United Nations resolution against the fierce objections of the large majority of natives already living on the land in question.

If you are capable of ignoring the religious dogma surrounding this issue, you will realize that what was done by the U.N. boggles the mind with it's criminality, and it is no wonder that the Arabs have fought this occupation since it's inception.

I require a president and a Congress that places America and it's people above any other State, nation or peoples, and any State or nation that - through it's conduct - causes harm to America be considered as unfriendly and suspect, and more reasonably... as an enemy.

By it's very existence, modern-day Israel has caused the United States great harm and loss. By supporting this highly contested U. N. created State, the United States has caused the entire Muslim civilization to declare it as an enemy, and every action we have been forced to take in the Middle East, in Iraq, in Iran, in Afghanistan is a consequence of this support.

We have invested a vast amount of our national treasure and thousands of American lives supporting this small State, for no other reason than to satisfy the wants and demands of a religious minority within our borders.

American Christians seem to completely ignore the fact that the Jews do not consider Jesus as anything other than just another minor prophet, definitely not the son of God... or anything resembling that. American Christians seem to be completely unaware that the Jews consider their entire religion to be a false belief, and by ignoring those two little facts, Christians have allowed themselves to support - at great cost - a small group of people who ridicule and despise them and their savior.

Christians have somehow accepted the idea that the location of all this, an unproductive stretch of desert and a few old ruins are the truly important issues in this conflict. They are not. The true issue is who is correct about Jesus.

If Rick Santorum Believes it is the duty of the president of the United states to consider Israel first and foremost in any decision... Well, for me, he's toast.

The Jews claim they are "God's Chosen People". OK, let them demonstrate it.

If they are correct, God will be all the support they will ever need. American Christians can withdraw and walk away without any guilt, satisfied with the understanding that final result will be determined not by group of Jews in Congress and Christians incapable of critical thought, but by God.

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