Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Step One

Nancy Pelosi is on the way out.

Once considered as one of the most powerful women in America, she is now being returned to her ho-hum position as just another debt-loving big government tax-and-spend Progressive in the house. Look for her to retire... If she can even consider - for an instant - leaving those halls of power and influence. Probably not.

It's a good sign... At least one of the lunatics that have been running the asylum has been put back into her cell.

Remember what she said when appointed House speaker? "No more deficit spending!" Five trillion dollars worth of additional deficit spending later, we finally boot her out of the drivers seat.

But it's just a start. There's still plenty of her fellow lunatics running around the halls of Congress that need to be reined in... Barbara Boxer, Barney Franks. Harry Reid... It's a long list.

But round two, the 2012 elections, is just around the corner, and there's a much bigger target than Nancy or Harry this time.

No slacking off now, the job is far from finished.

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