Sunday, December 20, 2009

Mostly Speechless

As I watch the outright lawlessness being perpetrated by Senate Majority leader Reid and the Democrats, I find it hard to express myself without a lot of name-calling and cursing.

But I'll try.

Let's sort this out a bit:

The Louisiana Senator sold her vote for $300,000,000.00, to be paid by the taxpayers of the other 49 states.

The Nebraska Senator sold his vote for a sweetheart deal where his state will never again have to pay a penny for their due share of the Medicaid expenses. Those expenses will now be paid for by the taxpayers of the other 49 states... forever.

They even threatened the wife of a sitting Senator to get his vote.

Our Constitution states that taxation will be shared equally and equitably amongst all the States. Reid and the Democrats have violated this law by giving Nebraska a one-of-a-kind forever exemption from taxes they legally owe.

There are Representatives and there are Senators. Representatives are expected to represent the selfish interests of their particular State.

But the Senators are supposed to represent the nation as a whole. The Senators from Nebraska and Louisiana are not doing that. They are selling their votes for unique benefits provided to their States only. They should not be Senators. They are betraying their duty to the nation as a whole. At best, they should be Representatives. In reality, they should be prison inmates, since they have accepted bribes for their votes.

And Senate Majority leader Harry Reid should be in prison with them, since he's the one that allowed and supported those bribes.

And now, to top it all off, Reid is demanding a final vote on this 2,000+ page health care bill nobody has read or understands at 1am Christmas Eve. The dead of night. Another example of that Chicago clowns "transparent" government.

Only crooks, thieves and evildoers are generally found afoot in the dead of night. This will not be an exception.

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