Monday, March 30, 2009

The Black Fist

Remember those black athletes at the Olympics that clenched their fists in defiance at the world while being honored for their accomplishments?

Now consider Obama. He has been honored far beyond what any black athlete has ever dreamed by being elected president of the most advanced and privileged nation on earth.

But just look at what he is doing. He is confiscating American businesses. He is nullifying legal contractual agreements. He is borrowing more money and driving us into insurmountable debt faster and further than any of us can comprehend. This man is burying us in unpayable debt and is forfeiting the future our nation and our children to the control of unfriendly foreign powers. He has lied to us all repeatedly and continues to do so. He is openly lying to us about the cost of his proposed budget. His administration is already one of the most closed and secret in American history.

This man, who was given the greatest prize of all and elevated to the highest position of power on earth, has clenched his fist and is shaking it in our faces, telling us all the while that he is saving us.

And all this in less than ninety days.

Read the following carefully:
Its five brief paragraphs took the power of legislation, including control of the Reich budget, approval of treaties with foreign states and the initiating of constitutional amendments, away from Parliament and handed it over to the Reich cabinet for a period of four years. While the Enabling Act explicitly permitted the Reich cabinet to enact laws that "might deviate from the constitution," it also specified that the powers of Parliament would be protected.
This is a explanation of Hitler's Enabling Act. That's how Hitler came to power, and it's exactly what Obama and his henchmen - like his treasury secretary - are doing today.

Don't forget the Congress in all this. They will give him what he wants. Congress will willingly sell us all down the river for their thirty pieces of silver.

I am beginning to believe that Barack Hussein Obama - smooth tongue and all - along with this compliant congress, will destroy the United States as a sovereign nation. Whether or not this is intentional remains to be seen.

Obama promised change. America's true citizens are now beginning to realize that they should have demanded what kind of change he was referring to... before giving him the power of the presidency.

Obama may be the first man in the history of the world to destroy a nation without firing a single shot, using only a smooth tongue and a long list of fine-sounding lies.

1 comment:

TheWayfarer said...

As the OMFR have shown U.S. by political example the last two decades, "If you own both horses in a two-horse race, it doesn't freaking matter who wins."
America is still being held hostage...maybe prisoner would be a more accurate term, by something optimistically referred to as "the Judaeo-Christian Ethic". This is sugar-coating on a turd: The presentation of OMFR Khazakh bankers and the corrupt Papist politicians who enable and empower them through indebtedness for bribery's sake (Just because one of our self-proclaimed "christian" leaders - Bubba, Dubya or Dumbo - is not actually Roman Catholic doesn't mean anything, they still buy, move and act upon the Whore's altruistic lies).
I never bought the "hope" hype, because no "change" for the better can be expected from those who never had to work a day in their lives, who are completely slutted out to the devil-spirit realm...It just "ain't gonna happen"!