Monday, October 06, 2008

No Clue, No Plan, Except Robbery

Our lobbyist-controlled, bought-out Congress and this clueless lame-duck president of ours, charging forth with the conviction that they MUST DO SOMETHING, just tried their standard solution to any problem that surfaces in or around Washington.

They tossed money at at.

More money than you and I could ever possibly imagine.

It isn't working, and no wonder.

In the eight-hundred and fifty plus billion-dollar bill they just passed, they provided hundreds of billions for personal projects and pork, but not one word on how to address the financial crisis we face, other than to give Paulson seven hundred billion tax dollars to buy junk with. At least that's what they hope he'll do with it.

The stock market - presently in free fall - has forced Bush the Idiot to just go on TV and tell us all to be calm, theses things take awhile, and that they need time to develop a plan.

They need time to develop a plan.


To put the icing on this cake, The administration(Bush and his controllers) is expected to announce shortly that a:
35-year-old former Goldman Sachs executive, Neel Kashkari, is to head the government's rescue effort.

Take a minute to absorb that... A Goldman-Sachs team member. The Secretary of the treasury, Henry M. Paulson Jr, was, until recently, the former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Goldman Sachs. Paulson, if you recall, is the man who created this entire bailout scheme to begin with, and Bush is appointing one of his Goldman-Sach buddies to head the rescue effort. What a quaint way to describe the greatest robbery in history... A "rescue effort".

They truly believe we are too stupid to tie our own shoelaces, or they now believe they can do whatever they want because we are powerless to stop them. If that's true, get ready for the end.

This is nothing less than the greatest robbery in the history of the world, legalized and forced down our throats by the very people we sent to Washington to represent us, to protect our interests, to guard against this sort of vicious white-collar crime.

Totaling up the money already tossed away by giving it to the thieves on Wall Street, this president, this fool in the White house, and this bought-out Congress have flung away almost two and a half trillion dollars, our money, yours and mine, NONE of it going to help anybody on main street.

This incredible and completely incomprehensible sum of money is vanishing into the pockets and bank accounts of the very monsters that engineered this disaster, and our federal government is just giving it to them, no checks and balances, no controls, no oversight.

Maybe you still think that these despicable cretins in this out-of-control federal government do not deserve to be taken out and - at the very least - be horse whipped in the public square? Or tarred and feathered, and then rode out of town on a rail?

Wake up and smell the Washington stench spreading all around you.

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