Thursday, December 13, 2007

Money Does Grow On Trees, For a "Chosen" Few

The CEO of Goldman Sachs is receiving a 70 million dollar Christmas bonus this year, an all-time world record that truly exposes the thievery these big corporations practice on a daily basis. Last year this corporate elite got a 53 million dollar bonus for a total of 123 million dollars of bonus in a little over twelve months.

Does he deserve it? Of course not. What has he done to earn 123 million dollars in twelve months? Did he entertain millions of Americans all year long, like a sports hero of movie star? Did he invent a form of transportation that does not pollute? Did he develop a medicine that had eliminated all cancer? No, none of that. What he did do is preside over a corporation that spends every waking second trying to chisel even more money out of our pockets.

This man is invisible to most Americans and prefers it that way. Publicity is very bad for these modern three-piece-suit bandits. The only people who benefit from his activities - other than himself - are a few stockholders/owners/investors who rake in millions and millions on an endless gravy train powered by avarice and greed.

Are you paying almost three dollars/gallon for gas? Who gets all that extra profit from a product that cost a dollar/gallon just a few short months ago? Do you actually believe that production costs have risen over 200%? It has not. Only the prise has risen, and cretins like this Goldman Sachs CEO are on the receiving end.

We are on the other end of this gravy train. While millions of Americans struggle daily to pay their mortgage or the monthly utility bill, these humanoid monuments to greed are shoveling in the dollars/Euro/whatever as fast as they possibly can.

Rampant loss of purchase power by the dollar, massive(but unadmitted) inflation, huge losses in jobs and salaries, a tidal wave of cheap imported junk in every store, millions of illegal aliens plundering our national treasury, federal government spending gone mad, an insane president destroying America's credibility and stature worldwide.... All of this affects us, but not those CEO's and majority stockholders. They are people for whom we must redefine the concept of greed.

But hey! what the hell! Americans still haven't maxed out all our credit cards yet, so let the party continue!

Get yours while you can... before the dollar is finally driven to it's inevitable collapse. Or do like the rich and elite are doing, get a European bank account and convert to Euros or Swiss Franks.


A 70 million dollar bonus breaks down to $33,653.85 for each and every hour he worked, assuming he put in a forty-hour week for 52 weeks.

How would you like a bonus of $33,653.85 every hour, or $1,346,154.00 for each and every week you worked last year? That's bonus, my friend, just bonus.

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