Monday, December 10, 2007

Fever? No. Warm Spell? Yes

Al gore was again on the news just a few minutes ago basking in the attention as he received his Nobel "Peace" prize. During this cozy little ceremony he made that statement that "The earth has a fever, and it's rising". That type of comment projects the idea that the earth is like an infant with a dangerous fever that is rising, and must be reduced... NOW.

The fact is that earth is in a warming spell that it has gone through numerous times before without the assistance of man. These warm spells are in the geological record that provides ample evidence and proof to those who care to look.

These warming trends are part of a normal warming/cooling cycle earth has experienced since before the dawn of man, something we - as a technological civilization - are just beginning to learn of and understand. What need to do now is fully understand this cycle, how it will affect us, and react accordingly.

What that means is we need to place the footprints of our civilization, our cites, our roads, our industries, in places where the possibility of rising sea water or flooding rivers will not destroy them.

Understand that we are already in a warming cycle that caused the ocean levels to rise over two hundred feet. Evidence of this fact is everywhere. This started long before we came along to watch the show and earth is now close to the peak of that cycle. When the downturn starts, polar ice will once again spread, eventually sucking up that extra two hundred plus feet of ocean water.

How long will all this take no one knows for certain. But the geological record shows it has happened time and again on earth. We need to adjust our lifestyles and civilization to sidestep these naturally occurring weather cycles.

What we don't need to do is give out medals to politicians like Al Gore who are misrepresenting this natural occurrence for personal gain.

It is a shame that the Nobel prize is now nothing more than a political tool, given to those who have no business whatever to receive it.


Roci said...

Actually, the earth has been cooling for the past 7 years. Not much in geological terms, but it certainly disputes the "getting warmer" dogma.

Bob said...


Temperature measuerements made from satellites have confirmed that, while the global warming alarmists apparantly have been taking measurements in more available places, like big cities around the globe.

And big cites are giant heat sinks, often several degrees warmer than the surrounding countryside.

All that concrete and asphalt sucking up the heat all day and re-radiating it at night.

Throws off the measurments.
Another one of those inconvenient truths... a real one.