Monday, December 24, 2007

Isreal could survive Nuclear War?

Pollyanna is alive and well:
If a nuclear war between Israel and Iran were to break out 16-20 million Iranians would lose their lives - as opposed to 200,000-800,000 Israelis, according to a report recently published by the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), which is headed by Anthony H. Cordesman, formerly an analyst for the US Department of Defense. The document, which is largely theoretical due to the lack of verified knowledge in some areas - specifically in terms of Israel's nuclear capability - paints various scenarios and attempts to predict the strategies of regional powers, as well as the US.
Who the hell are they trying to kid? A place as small as Israel would take less than a half-dozen nukes to remove it from the face of the earth. And on top of that, all those "holy" places would end up glowing for several thousand years and be totally unapproachable without full body rad suits.

Witless fools who theorize that any nation could survive an out-and-out full bore nuclear exchange(which it would quickly become in a matter of hours) have their heads of their asses and have no concept of the consequences of such an action.

To even consider the possibly is beyond rash. Bottom line...there is no problem anywhere in the world that a nuclear exchange would solve.

Maybe the Iranians figured that out- several years ago - when they quit their nuclear weapons program. Now it's time for the Jews to figure it out also, or see the realization of Hitler's "final solution" come to pass.

Israel, with it's 300 nukes and it's supposed Godly destiny, is probably the most dangerous nation in the history of the world. Countless scenarios studying a projected limited nuclear exchange between Israel and anybody has always shown an escalation to total world war.

Should the Jews start lobbing nukes around, more people will die than in all the previous wars in our entire history.

Merry Christmas.

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