Friday, November 30, 2007

Worldclass Forked-Tongue Doubletalk

Dig this:
PORTSMOUTH — Presidential hopeful Delaware Sen. Joe Biden stated unequivocally that he will move to impeach President Bush if he bombs Iran without first gaining congressional approval.
Gad, even one of today's fifth-graders knows and understands that it will be Israel to first strike Iran. Then, the U.S. will jump in to "defend" it's "ally", with massive congressional approval after the powerful and generous(to congressional members) Israeli lobby calls in its markers.

And - of course - Biden, one of the rock-solid insiders, already knows this.

Nuts... a first-grader can figure that one out. So Biden is just looking for a few votes from the vast pool of the ignorant and unaware amongst us, which unfortunately in America, is a huge target-rich environment.

The stench of the BS emanating from Washington just grows and grows.

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