Sunday, November 25, 2007

Boy, Are We Tough!

Mankind 'shortening the universe's life'
By Roger Highfield, Science Editor, UK Telegraph:
Forget about the threat that mankind poses to the Earth: our activities may be shortening the life of the universe too.

The startling claim is made by a pair of American cosmologists investigating the consequences for the cosmos of quantum theory, the most successful theory we have. Over the past few years, cosmologists have taken this powerful theory of what happens at the level of subatomic particles and tried to extend it to understand the universe, since it began in the subatomic realm during the Big Bang.

Cosmologists claim by observing dark energy the universe has been nudged closer to its death

But there is an odd feature of the theory that philosophers and scientists still argue about. In a nutshell, the theory suggests that we change things simply by looking at them and theorists have puzzled over the implications for years.
Well now. Us incredibly important humans are destroying the universe by looking at it.

Lets see now... in a universe so vast that we still have no idea of it's size or where it came from, the entire human race - which has only been around for the teeniest speck of time - and wouldn't make up the smallest speck of a zit on the Universe's' butt, is destroying it by looking at it.

Consider the source: Two American cosmologists - no doubt educated in some American College or University - which would go a long way to explain things.

How does stuff like that get press time?

It's that college degree. It declares even idiots to be intelligent and wise, a serious - if not fatal - flaw in our national mindset.


TheWayfarer said...

Those university professors and other overpaid bureaucrats spend a lot of their time (and your money) contemplating their own navels, which seems to be the source of a lot of this kind of stuff...
Or is that another bodily aperture I'm thinking of?

Bob said...

Yes... they do spend a lot of time contemplating their navels, but that other "bodily aperture" is where they store their heads when not contemplating.