Sunday, November 04, 2007


Pakistani President General Pervez Musharraf has tossed out democracy in an apparently successful grab for one-man rule. In the process, he tossed out the Pakistani Supreme Count members that disagreed with him, and then canceled the next round of elections.

Now, police and soldiers, emboldened by this state of emergency powers, swept up hundreds of activists and opposition members on Sunday, dragging away protesters and turning government buildings into barbed-wire compounds, all of this resulting in the creation Earth's newest police state.

The cable news bobble heads are trying to explain all this away by saying the General needed to to this to combat growing extremism and terrorism.

My, my. Makes me think of Bush's latest, National Security Presidential Directive/NSPD 51, which seeks to establish continuity of government in the case of a major disaster. The proposed agenda of this Presidential Directive/NSPD51 includes the postponement of elections, a move which can be triggered due to any perceived increase in extremism and/or terrorism.

Now... try to convince me that the Bush/Chaney/neocon cartel running our government is not going to try the same thing. And I'll be damned if the media won't go right along.

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