Sunday, January 07, 2007

Scary Women

Neil Stienberg, a Sun-Times Columnist, asks "Is America frightened by women in power?"

Says Neil:
The issue was glimpsed last week, lurking in the shadows, when Rep. Nancy Pelosi took up her gavel as our nation's first female speaker of the House, though we haven't begun to confront it yet.
I thought we worked this all out in the 1970s. But women leaders must still be scary, at least to a portion of the electorate. Why else would the Drudge Report keep posting that photo of Pelosi brandishing a black leather whip? As if some have a hard time imagining a strong female beyond Catwoman or Mistress Helga.
This dithering babbler thinks we had it all worked out in the seventies. Maybe a few did, with their long-haired, pot-smoking, mocassin wearing, peasant-dress attired, free-love hippy leftover from the sixties.

It's not women in power that scare me, they can get shot dead as easy as any man. It's what they want to do with the power: To restrict every man on Earth to something equivalent to a ballless lap dog--or lap cat--devoted to it's mistress... or else.

If women in power tended to the business at hand--like handling the things they were put in power to handle--things would most probably go along fairly well. But noooooo.... they always end up wanting to put a leash on every man in their enviornment, which they assume is everywhere. Men are not much better, but at least all they usually want is money and sex, not put half the human population into bondage and servitude, a premier feminist goal.

It's really too bad that Cat Woman is a pretty accurate depiction of the average woman with some power, except that most of them don't look that good... not even close.

Come to think of it, why was Nancy Pelosi brandishing that black bullwhip in the first place? And allow a picture taken?

Could be an in-your-face message for men with a bit more depth than poor old Neil.

1 comment:

TheWayfarer said...

Pelosi? BFD.
Wait til that carpet-munching "wife" of $3 Bill gets in the White House.
Hopefully someone will shoot "her" before "she" bares fangs and sucks what little life is left out of the Constitution and the republic it used to stand for.