Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Call It What It Is... Insurance

I'm getting tired listening to all this babble about Health Care Reform.

It's not Health Care we're talking about, it's Health Insurance.

Our health care system is the best in the world. That's not the problem... Never has been.

It's who has to pay for your personal health costs, that's the real issue.

Who pays for your house insurance? You do.
Who pays for your renter's insurance? You do.
Who pays for your automobile insurance? You do.
Who pays for your RV insurance? You do.
Who pays for your boat insurance? you do.
Who pays for your extended warranties on all your toys, on all your appliances? You do.
Who pays for your flight insurance. You do.

Getting the idea?

Now why should the taxpayer pay for your health insurance?

Why should your employer pay for your health insurance?

When you get a job, your new employer does not pick up the tab for your house or renter's insurance, your automobile insurance, or your liability insurance, unless you're looking at a million-dollar-a-year position.

Imagine if your present employer did cover all those insurance costs. The cost of each of them would be as prohibitive as your present health insurance.

The idea that employers should pay for your health insurance arose from the practice of some employers that used health insurance as an incentive to go work for them. But it got out of control. Employees started believing health insurance was a right. Well then, why not have your employer pay all the rest of your insurance costs? Because it would drive them out of business, that's why. Health insurance costs alone has driven many employers out of business already.

If every person that wanted health insurance had to pay for it, you would see the cost of health care drop like a brick.

People buying their own health insurance would start doing what they are not doing today... Finding out what those hospitals and doctors are really charging, and then shopping for the best price.

Think you would pay $20.00 for an aspirin in the hospital if the money was coming out of your own pocket? Particularly if they wanted to give you one every six hours?

It's not about health care reform at all. It's all about who will be picking up the tab for your next doctors visit.


craftycorner said...

It's time for line item muckraking on health care COSTS.

Bob said...

True, true, and true....

We just donated $405.00 to a "Specialist" for ten minutes of his time, in which he renewed my wife's prescription.

The $5.00 was our co-pay. The $400.00 was from the insurance.

Ten minutes---> $400.00.
Thats $2,400.00/hr to renew prescriptions.

Pure out-and-out robbery.