Thursday, April 02, 2009

Sun Spots

The sunspot count has gone from a peak in 2000 to zero in 2008.

Since other records have demonstrated that global temperatures lag somewhat behind sunspot activity, look for a continuing reduction in "global warming", something that has been occurring for over two years - something you already know - if you actually look at the records and pay no attention to the likes of Al Gore.

Do doubt this bit of information from NASA will go completely unheeded by the "Global Warming/Climate Change" folks who who would prefer to shut down our coal-fired electrical plants and see us energy-starved and in the dark, rather than admit they are wrong.

Since I just turned seventy a few days ago, I am beginning to realize I have no dog in this race. All three kids have decided to have no children, so I will not have any future progeny past them to worry about.

Truthfully, the only reason we all worry about the future beyond ourselves is how it will affect our children, and our children's children.

If tomorrow's citizens want to hobble themselves to a world of reduced expectations, big brother everywhere and endless shortages of everything, who am I to deny them?

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