Friday, January 16, 2009

Good Question

Joe Cannon over at Cannonfire asks the obvious:
Believe it or not, Israel is now offering clear warning of a new "massive war" in Lebanon. When is the Shitty Little Country going to be held accountable for its crimes?
I didn't ask the question, but I do agree with it.

1 comment:

TheWayfarer said...

Contrary to the popular populist propaganda of atheists, communists, leftists and even a good portion of pseudo-Christianity itself, wars are not won with doctors, nurses and clean water. They are won when one side beats hell out of the other side, and dictates terms...
That hasn't happened yet in the Middle East because of interfering, peace-talking, do-gooders.
If we quit wasting our time, money, troops and effort meddling in situations not related to U.S., this will end quickly and decisively, and then we can move forward...NOT UNTIL THEN, either!