Thursday, October 18, 2007

90 Bucks A Barrel... And Climbing

That $100/barrel mark is just around the corner, and when it reaches that level, we all have a right to ask Mr. oil man Bush just how his wars of aggression against the oil producing nations has protected our oil supplies. It's not just about supply, it's also about cost.

Seems to me that if we had just left the Arabs completely alone - just let them keep picking at Israel like a itchy scab - oil would most likely still be less than half the cost it is today.

But nooooo, Bush just had to go stir up all the oil producers in the Middle East, and now they are retaliating with prices that will eventually break our backs.

You think it is reaching $100/barrel due to shortages? Silly you. The world is awash with oil... you've been listening to our federal government and their lackeys in the media.

We need to get rid of Bush and his wars, completely bail out of the Middle East, and let the Arabs cool off for a bit so oil can settle down to a more reasonable price.

Still don't get it? Oil is their greatest weapon against us... and they are using it well. They can't beat us militarily, but they can bankrupt us.

In the meantime, Bush is busy borrowing so much capitol from China to play his war games with that China is starting to buy up huge chunks of America with their mountains of excess American money.

In my view, the Bush gang and their one-world policies are some of the greatest dangers America has to face - and overcome - today.

It is beyond incredible that America has a president that is so profoundly betraying us all, and getting away with it, but he has had plenty of help from the American Congress and American businessmen.

It's all insanity at it's highest level.

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