Friday, February 24, 2006

Who really owns these foreign companies?

This port sales disaster facing the Bush administration has exposed a lot of unsettling facts. One of the facts is that six of our major ports are being sold to a business owned by an Arab country. This is is startling news, to say the least. Now another fact emerges... We learn that these ports are already owned by a foreign company.

Corporations making huge amounts of money in America have long had the habit of basing themselves in foreign contries to avoid paying American taxes on their American made money. This nothing new. It is a tactic that has been enthusiastically approved -- for years -- by all the branches of our federal government, whose members in Washington have no doubt greatly benefited financially in the process.

While we are misdirected by the media concerning campaign financing and how mega corporations are trying to use this as a method to buy our congress, nobody mentions the far more likely method -- anonymous numbered Swiss bank accounts -- and how the real payoffs would logically be found there.

So are these foreign based corporations really owned by foreigners? Or are the people involved just like the COO of that Dubai company I talked of just below? Are they really a bunch of Washington insiders who have tailored our laws to suit their particular wants and needs? Or are they truly foreigners, who have taken over our corporations and are just milking us dry?

I read once -- for example -- that the Dutch own a massive amount of American interests, but stay behind the scenes, quietly manipulating us and our government while raking in the cash. Maybe, maybe not... I don't know.

Swiss bank accounts, congressional manulipation of our laws, tax evasion. These are things that would not surprise me in the slightest if exposed about the majority of our present and past elected members of the federal government. These are things we all suspect.

Americans basing their companies overseas to dodge taxes, foreigners buying out our corporations just for the profit of it, then movng them offshore to increase those profits has left literally millions of Americans jobless. These are realities we face today.

So, who are these people? Where do they live? Are they answerable in any way to the decisions they make that adversly affect all Americans? Shouldn't they be?

They are the leaders, the movers and shakers, the rich and elite. These are the people who have become rich and powerful through the efforts of the American worker. Today, they are adandoning America and it's people. Bush -- and congress -- is helping them.

How much longer do we let this continue?

Just asking.

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