Sunday, January 16, 2011

How Much For The Pentagon?

Fred just posted that we spent $720 Billion dollars on the Pentagon's military expenditures last year, plus another $120 Billion dollars for the ongoing wars.

OK, how much is that compared to say, Russia or China?

It took a bit over 30 seconds to find out.

Look look at the below chart:

The United States? 46.5% of the total military spending worldwide.
Russia? 3.5%
China? 6.6%

Holy crap! And they're trying to make us fear either one of those nations military?

I'll bet some serious money that neither China nor Russia spend two billion dollars for a single airplane that isn't even supersonic, the totally defenseless B2 sub-sonic bomber.

Here you are, boys and girls, the two-billion dollar sub-sonic airplane. Two billion dollars a copy.

You can build a modern Nimitz-Class aircraft carrier($4.5B) for just a bit more than two of these unbelievably overpriced superpower relics.

One ship or two sub-sonic bombers. Must be a hard choice for those Pentagon deep-pocket big spenders to decide which...

Two billion dollars each. How stupid can we get? Particularily when you realize that the B2's can be used only at night, and that supercarriers (thanks to satellite tracking) are now just giant floating targets.

Go ahead, you round-eyed fools, keep spending.

1 comment:

sofa said...

"Particularily when you realize that the B2's can be used only at night, and that supercarriers (thanks to satellite tracking) are now just giant floating targets."

Not sure what you're saying there...

B2: The B2 can shape the battlefield. For example, most of Allied strategic bombing in WW2 was at night.

Carrier: An airport at a fixed location is a better target. Being mobile provides stout local air cover over a region, in support of offense or defense.

Agree that much money is involved.

Just couldn't figure out what that last sentence was about.