I enjoy visiting Yellowdog Grannys blog. There is always a large batch of posters designed to inflame the average liberal who is always too busy to check facts.
One of her latest:
Anyone, after reading this bit of far left propaganda, might want to blame Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) for all those Kentucky woes.
Hmm. Let's look at that poverty rate. It's not "still 19%", it has gone up to 19.4%. Why? Well, 67% of their coal mining jobs are gone. That would certainly mean less jobs, more poverty. Where did those jobs go?
Now for a few of those pesky liberal-ignored facts:
The Sierra Club, on their web site, is doing some serious bragging about having helped to shut down 178 - one hundred and seventy eight - coal fired plants in the last few years, with the intention of seeing 345 - three hundred and forty five - more shut down ASAP.
And who is shutting them down? Our very own EPA under the direct orders of Barak Obama, who has directed the EPA to do so by using Executive Orders and bypassing Congress.
That's why Kentucky has lost 67% of their coal mining jobs, Fewer coal fired plants, fewer coal mining jobs required. More unemployed, more poverty. Funny how that works.
If Obama and his EPA stooges have their way, Kentucky will lose 100% of their coal mining jibs.
But that's not my point here. Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell had nothing at all to do with the loss of 67% of their coal mining jobs. That has been caused by Barak Obama and his deep green lackeys at the EPA.
Something to consider:
With 178 of our nations coal fired power plants shuttered, our reserves of electrical energy is at an all time low. If Obama and his EPA succeed in closing the remaining 345, this nation will not have enough electrical energy to make it through an average winter. There will be many places with no heat and no lights, not for just a few hours, but for weeks at a time.
Remember: This clueless president and his fanatical green followers at the EPA are replacing the plants they are closing with nothing but hot air about greener meadows and bluer skies.
Some boring facts:
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The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), the electric reliability organization certified by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to establish and enforce reliability standards for three major electrical interconnections serving the United States, issues a reliability assessment each year.
NERC estimated in November 2012 that the United States would have 966 gigawatts (GW) of electric supply capacity available for the summer of 2013. NERC estimated that about 786 GW would be needed to meet projected peak electricity demand and determined that another 117 GW should be available in case of supply outages or extreme weather (known as target reserve supply).
The United States has 63 GW of capacity above and beyond the NERC target reserve supply. The level of above-target capacity varies by region: some areas have significant excess capacity and others are more constrained.
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The above estimates were as of 2012, when many of the now-closed coal fired plants were still in operation and on line.
Our reserves are now much lower, and if Obama and the EPA have their way, we will soon have no reserves at all.
Oh... You say you're not worried? That your furnace runs on natural gas? How about that big blower motor that distributes all that heated air out throughout your house?
It needs electricity. Lots of it.