Not in America. Not an American pipeline, and no American
workers. No oil for America either.
As mostly retired President Obama continues to block the Keystone pipeline, the Canadians have decided to build their own pipeline to a British Columbia port, where the oil will then be onloaded to tankers bound for China..
NEW YORK – With the increasing importance of oil sales to the Canadian economy and the Obama administration’s continued blocking of plans to build the Keystone Pipeline, Canada is moving ahead with the Enbridge Northern Gateway Project, a pipeline to expedite the shipping of land-locked oil reserves in Alberta to China.
Great day for America! As Obama and his administration continue to sow the seeds of an energy policy that benefits anybody except us, we in turn can look forward to higher and higher fuel prices, which - of course - means higher and higher prices for everything, as we watch our dollar continue decline in value.
Calgary-based energy giant Enbridge received the approval of Prime Minister Stephen Harper's government June 17 to proceed with the construction of the $7.3 billion Northern Gateway Project pipeline.
The damage this president continues to inflict on our economy and our nation without consequence is appalling.
Things are much worse than this simplistic cartoon would
suggest. There are NO viable alternative fuels that exist today
capable of replacing oil and natural gas.
And the government knows this.
But us old duffers that can see our own end on the horizon won't have to deal with most of it. It will be the young idealistic simpletons, the welfare parasites, the mostly insane climate lunatics, the millions of illegal border jumpers and all the greedy short-sighted businessmen that voted him into office - twice - that will reap the disastrous results of never thinking anything through.
But what the hell... every generation has to learn from its own mistakes.
With a contemptuous sweep of the hand, they brush off a billion man-hours of history and experience,,, as if none of it matters, as if they have - somehow - transcended the level of existence the rest of us had to slog our way through.
Sadly, most of them will not be capable of admitting they were ever wrong about anything, even as they learn to exist in the refuse of what will be a third-world nation, unaware victims of the real war of civilizations, a war they absolutely, positively, adamantly and viciously refuse to believe even exists.
It must be a quite self-satisfying trip to go to bed every night believing everything you said and did that day was just the right thing for humanity, believing that the world is a better place because of you and your actions, and the only reason the world is not a perfect place today is because of, well... everybody and everything that disagrees with you.
As expected, they will find someone else to blame,