The Homeland Security Departments warning to police across the nation concerning returning veterans reveals one sobering fact: This government deeply fears Americans who have been trained to handle and use weapons. Not those government agents, security forces and police forces throughout America whose members have been carefully screened and selected for a "support authority" mindset, but ordinary Americans who happen to be proficient with weapons, those less susceptible to the brainwashing and propaganda they are exposed to while under military control.
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano
defended the report Thursday, but she said - after the fact - the definition of right-wing extremism that was included in a footnote should have been changed.
The same definition was included in an DHS March 26 report on domestic extremism. Both reports were marked "For Official Use Only."
Poor old Janet must have thought "For Official Use Only" would have kept the whole thing secret. Bureaucrats never learn.
So. The government is sorely afraid of its trained citizens, scared enough not to worry about the national outrage and fallout if these reports were leaked, which they were. They fear the very men and women they have trained to go far away and kill for democracy, the very same people sent to other nations who are taught that the gun will bring about wanted and needed political and social change.
Who could be surprised about that?
We live in an era marked by a host of unanticipated consequences. Washington think tanks and policy makers continually make decisions and take actions that have never been fully thought through, resulting in these nasty surprises we get almost daily.
Training an entire army to go forth and slaughter for freedom as defined by the present politicians in power can easily be just another on of those not very well thought out schemes.
Keep in mind that most Americans would be deeply shocked over the "Them or us" mindset held by today's law enforcement agencies. The "us" would be the "brotherhood" of police and law enforcers everywhere, and the "them" being everybody else, the "citizens" and "civilians" out there... the untrustworthy, lying and mostly lawbreaking populace. My now-deceased brother-in-law cop was a classic example of all that, and a shocking lesson for me.
A not-so-gentle reminder about that... The
Connecticut police department candidate that was rejected for being too intelligent. Their claimed reason? Smarter people get bored and will quit. Wrong. The real reason is scary... smarter people are less susceptible to the "support authority regardless" propaganda and are more able to think things out for themselves. They are not wanted as law enforcers.
A police state is best served by enforcers who do not have the mental capability to discern the evil in supporting a lawless authority.
Hitler's brown shirts were absolute proof of that. Pray to whatever God you believe in that we don't have to re-learn that lesson all over again.