In alphabetical order:
Senator Hillary Clinton
Senator John McCain
Senator Barack Obama
Notice the connection? All three are members in good standing of the United States Senate, one of the two governmental bodies most responsible for:
-1) The huge loss of American jobs to overseas competitors.
-2) Our multi-trillion dollar debt and fast approaching national bankrupsy.
-3) Our wide open and broken borders.
-4) Two wholly illegal wars.
-5) The loss Of American stature and influence worldwide.
Oh, you say, it was Bush that did it all?
Bush could not have done a thing without the approval and support of the House and Senate. Well no, he could have run our foreign policy without their approval, which - by golly - he did, the worst foreign policy in a century, with his shoot-from-the-hip "bring em on" and spit-in-their-face cowboy diplomacy.
And now we have three Senators, three entrenched insiders, wanting us to believe that they are going to solve all those problems by stepping out of the Senate building and into the White House.
No time will be wasted by a new, untrained and possibly uncontrolled president, making unfortunate decisions that might lessen the deadly stranglehold on our federal government and our country by foreign nations and the international conglomerates.
Take Hillary: She will turn our medical system into an unworkable bureaucratic nightmare, while at the same time taking one-seventh of our annual revenues and handing it over to the drug cartels and their manipulators, all in the name of health. And thats just for starters... she has even told us so.
Or how about McCain: He will guarantee the continued and never-ending occupation of Iraq, will attack Iran and perhaps other Arab nations, gleefully embroiling us in endless confict and turn over countless billions of our dollars to the military/industrial complex, all in the name of security. He may be the man responsible for WW3.
Or that new-kid-on-the-block 100% socialist Obama: He will strip our national treasury and squander it around the world in an attempt to feed and support those who will not do so themselves,
especially Africa, a continent full of vanishing nations and dying peoples, the invetable result of unparalled corruption and disease. He will be our worst do-nothing (for us) president in history.
All three of these finely packaged Senatorial candidates will bankrupt this nation and will solve nothing. They are so entrenched into - and controlled by - the system that they will not be able to rise above it... not once. They will complete the destruction of the American Republic, replacing it with a system that will be indistingishable from that of Soviet Russia. It will be the usual lip service and finger-pointing we are so accustomed to, while the sound of the rushing drain draws ever nearer.
We will elect on of these three totally anti-American, pro-world corporate-controlled-government puppets.
Thats how stupid we really are.
But hey, not all is lost... we will have four Superbowls to look forward to during the next presidental term.