Joseph Farah, editor of WND, has just asked the question, "What's next for Israel?"
About time somebody asked that question. the answer is simple, and is easy to see, although it seems a bit odd that a Zionist puppet would be the one to ask.
The answer? Ultimately, it's destruction, followed by the inevitable persecution of Jews worldwide, in a world where it has been made easy to track anybody, anywhere.
Modern Israel has existed only at the pleasure of England and the United States. Jews worldwide have enjoyed and prospered under the power and protection of these two nations.
But, these two nations are being destroyed. Their power, influence and effectiveness are being eroded away more and more each and every day, their citizens dumbed down, disenfranchised and made impotent. And when the day comes - and it will - when the rest of the world just laughs and walks away, when the English and American populace have allowed their governments to be overrun and controlled by foreigners, Israel will find itself alone.
It will be facing a determined enemy who will accept death on an unimaginable scale to see the Jews destroyed, an enemy who will see that their longtime support from a dying western civilization has vanished.
Israel's non-existent nukes will not save them. All of Israel's pillaged monies will not save them. England and America will not be able to save them. It will even become illegal - by government edict - for Brits and Americans to aid Israel. American and English Jews will be jailed for trying to send money or aid to Israel. And the Jews, in the end, will finally realize their god will not save them, although I suspect they know that already.
It's really a sad tale. Jewish moviemakers, Jewish writers and TV producers, Jewish bankers, Jewish businessmen, Jewish financiers, Jewish Senators, Congressmen and politicians of all stripes are the primary movers and shakers behind England and America's demise. It is they who have engineered this great train wreck. And a train wreck - once started - must go to completion.
The Jews have had a great century. But history has shown that they have it in themselves to repeatedly destroy all they accomplish.
So, once again, they are destroying themselves. No one- even the very smart Jews - have learned a thing from history.
And the Christians? Without their Jewish mentors and masters, they will just aimlessly mill around in the ashes of their nations, wondering what happened, as the Mexicans, the Muslims, the Chinese, even the Indians, step in and take everything.