I watched a TV interview with an older couple Who had lost their only son in Iraq.
The man flatly stated that he was still 100% behind Bush,
even if even if his son been killed by a roadside IED almost three years ago.
The woman said said she believed that this war
needed to be fought--just like the president says-- whether or not their son died in the process.
Feeling sorry for them is a waste of time, other than feeling sorry over the loss of their son.
I find it impossible to believe that loving parents would choose Bush's war adventures over the life of their son.
To follow a man like Bush to the destruction of your family is--to me--inconceivable. Bush is as transparant as sheet of glass, yet people like these poor parents go on national TV and tell us how proud they are that their son died in Iraq for Bush. Don't try to tell me their son died protecting America, he didn't. He died driving down a busy street in Bagdad. He wasn't even in Afganistan looking for Osama, the man responsible for the 911 attack, and who is still running about foot loose and fancy free.
Keep in mind this president has mislead us from day one: First this war was because of WMD's about to be used against America, then it was to depose a tyrant, then it was to spread democracy, and right now it's to give the Iraqis an opportunity to determine their own future.
At least this son may have believed that he was protecting America from a nuclear threat when he died because--at the time--Bush, Powell, Rumsfled, Rice, Chaney,Pearle, the whole rotten bunch was telling us that Saddam was about to attack us with nukes, they knew exactly where those weapons were in Iraq (with pictures and everything), and we needed to go get them.
This Iraqi war never has had a thing to do with the 911 acttack, but everything to do with either Bush the Youngers hatred for Saddam, or Saddam's threat to Israel. Maybe both.
Those parents on TV who lost their son three years ago seem not to even realize their families future was destroyed by lies... the lies of those ferrets and maggots in Washington.
Yes, I do know. and so do you. If they accept the fact their their son died for nothing, they may go mad or insane. So it's much easier--and safer--to live in a world of make-believe where the president is right, where they can feel good about their patriotic sacrifice, than risk the consequences of facing the truth.