Sunday, February 20, 2011

Horse Semen... The New Drink Rage!


Ram's testicles are so passe - this year extreme foodies wanting a real taste test will be lining up for a shot of stallion semen.

Horse semen shots, to be followed with a swig of energy drink, are the new kids on the kitchen block at the famed Hokitika Wildfoods festival next month.

Now that's not a shot like a flu shot, it's a shot glass full of horse semen. Bottoms up.

OK... I generally agree with the "live and let live" concept... But something like this is pushing my envelope a bit.

A couple of participants at the Hokitika Wildfoods Festival in 2010.

I can just see it now...

"Hey baby, here's your horse semen shot. Now give us a big, sloppy kiss.

The government tells us that our soldiers are fighting and dying in Iraq and Afghanistan so Americans can stay free... To do stuff like swigging down horse semen.

You bet.


MRMacrum said...

Well maybe we ought to make it illegal. That would show those nanny state libs a thing or two.

That is very very disgusting. But so is the thought of doing a lot of things(read freedoms people exercise). I prefer to let many things slide if they have nothing to do with my passage through this life.

And yeah, that is one of the many things our Constitution protects.

TheWayfarer said...

Aw c'mon man - people have been drinking canned horse PISS for decades now - it's called Coors!
Seriously though, this should last til a few of those dames drop dead from it, then it'll get outlawed
...Meantime there are gonna be a lot of happy broncs, and I don't mean in just in Denver.

yellowdoggranny said...

I always thought it was Lone Star.