Thursday, February 17, 2011

Another Simpleton Speaks Out

Lordy lordy...

Now, Chris Rock regales us with his wisdom:

In the March issue of Esquire, comedian Chris Rock takes a swing at the tea party.

Kids always act up the most before they go to sleep. And when I see the Tea Party and all this stuff, it actually feels like racism’s almost over. Because this is the last—this is the act up before the sleep. They’re going crazy. They’re insane. You want to get rid of them—and the next thing you know, they’re f—-ing knocked out. And that’s what’s going on in the country right now.

Somebody should introduce him to that Dallas City Councilor, John Wiley Price, the "You're all white! Go to hell!" Jerk for an update on racism in America.

I got a news flash for Mr. Rock... If you're some black dude that calls millions of white people you don't like crazy and insane, and try to paint them all as racists, well, it's probably not the best method to ease racial tensions.

The very fact that this dude, who will never, ever be accused of critical thinking, can publicly call a bunch of whites crazy and insane is a testament on how far white America has progressed in leaving racism behind. It wasn't that long ago that his remarks would have got him hung from a tree limb, not published in Esquire.

You gotta admit that the whites in America have made fantastic progress in reducing racial prejudice, at least on their part. But It seems like what we're getting for all that time, money and effort is a huge part of the black community that now hates everything white.

So, it seems racism has just switched sides... It's still here, still strong, still stirring the pot.

That ain't progress folks. That's the poster child for the lack of it.


MRMacrum said...

I am no fan of Chris Rock. Not by a long shot. He's an idiot.

But if you think racism has been wiped from the white mindset and "switched sides", you are deluding yourself. Racism lives on both sides. Although I do have to agree the racial chip many blacks still carry is getting old.

The assumption that the Tea Partiers are full of racists is their own fault. They lend credence to this notion by various members vehement hatred of Obama. I doubt seriously the rhetoric from them would be as nasty and the lies told as outrageous if he was white.

Clinton, by far, invited more hatred than Obama, just by his less than ethical lifestyle. Yet, the Right did not field as much outrage and lies in trying to take him down. They certainly hated him, but not as stupidly.

Bob said...

Read closeer... I stated that whites had made "progress in reducing racial prejudice", not eliminating it.

As far as the tea partiers earning themselves the title of racists?

In my view, that is an impression created by a media which has focused like a laser beam on the tiny fraction of the real trouble-making racists that can be found in any group. The "racist" label is a result of half-truths and the built-in liberal bias of the reporters and newscasters.

If you dig a bit deeper into the impetus behind the tea partiers, I believe you will find the vast majority of them do not hate Obama, they are against his policies of ever bigger government and his infatuation with national socialism, or "State Capitolism" as it is so euphuistically described by it's supporters.

Many older Americans- particilarily those found in the tea party - can still remember the worldwide consequences of an elected leader taking his nation down the road to national socialism. His name was Hitler... And his national socialist party was called the NAZIS.


A member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP), Adolf Hitler's political party.

The term is a contraction of the first word of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei.

Most times, when researching the NAZIS, we are sidetracked away from their political beliefs (socialism) to their hatred of Jews, two entirely different matters.

MRMacrum said...

So, it seems racism has just switched sides

My reference was to this statement, not that whites have made progress.

As soon as you invoked Godwin's Law. By doing so, your argument should be rendered moot and useless for any meaningful dialog. But I will comment anyway.

The Nazis were fascists, not socialists, no matter what semantical game you would prefer to play. If anything their almost indistinquishable difference between where the ruling oligarchy(Nazi Party) stopped and the capitalistic network began should but probably won't remind you of what the billionaire supporters of the Tea Party movement have in mind for our country.

But you go ahead and fool yourself in thinking that those in power on either side of the political spectrum have the average citizen's best interest at heart. They don't. The Tea Party movement has been bought and paid for by big money. And that is what is sad about it.The Tea Party could have been something, but they are proving to be bigger rubes than the Democrat or Republican rank and file.

Bob said...

I should have said, the public face of racism has switched sides. Where whites once demonstrated it openly, now the blacks do.

You're right... Mike Godwin had a point. However, there are times that reminding ourselves what the Nazi's were doing - and why - is sometimes a good thing, and not a signal for automatic disqualification. But you're right this time, my little Nazi rant was incorrect on many fronts.

Your assumption that I think that either side of the political spectrum might give a damn about me or any other citizen is incorrect. I wouldn't give you two bits any any pol in Washington today. If there any any good ones there, they've been totally ineffective, and should just go home and give someone else a shot at it.

As for the tea party, keep in mind that the vast majority of them were once a part of either the Democratic or the Republician rank and file. Why would you expect something different from them?

"... what the billionaire supporters of the Tea Party movement have in mind for our country."?

I worry enough about what George Sorus has in mind. He is far more dangerous than a few billionaires trying to ride herd on the tea party.

I'll say one thing about the tea party. They seem to realize - deep down - that something is very, very wrong, but don't understand what. Accordingly, they have no clue what to do about it.

You bundled up a lot of criticisms. Have you any solutions?

MRMacrum said...

A few billionaires nurse maiding the Tea Party Movement doesn't concern you, but George Soros does. In my mind, we should be concerned about any billionaire meddling. The Koch brothers are not low end billionaires. They are John Birchers hiding behind their money and using it to buy Washington and the rest of the country. I envison a room full of fat cats smoking cigars cackling and rubbing their hands together as they divide the country up into little fiefdoms for them to lord over. You get to that level and the politics of Right and Left are no longer ideals, just another tool in their quest to own as much of the World as they can.

My solution. First thing - I would rescind that absolutely awful and in my mind, unpatriotic SCOTUS decison regarding corporate donations. That would be a good beginning.

Next I would promote any policy or movement that would break the stranglehold the two party system has on us. The election process is so rigged in favor of either the Democrats or the Republicans as to make any outside party movement nothing but a token gesture, but never a viable movement.

I would scuttle the Electoral College. No matter what we may think about popular vote, it is a very few who actually elect the president. This goes to my above point, the electoral college is firmly in the hands of the Democrats and the Republicans.

I would concentrate our dollars domestically and not prop up losers overseas.

I would work to diminish the influence social issues have on the nuts and bolts of governenance. Gay rights, Pro-Choice/Pro-Life as examples. They are diversions that allow our lawmakers to keep us fired up over stupid stuff that should be handled state by state first.

End the war of drugs and come up with a policy that approaches making sense. We have more people in jail in this country than the most repressive countries out there. And not just by a little. Drug incarcerations make up the majority of the people in prison.

Gun control - Stop even trying. That horse left the barn years ago. I read there is an estimated 89 guns for every 100 people in this country. Stop wasting time trying to take them away.

In other words, if we would stop wasting time on the superfluous stuff and focus on what Americans really want, just doing that would be a start.

Everyone talks about the inequity of the tax system. I say rather than worrying about fairness of percentages, why aren't we considering fairness in the form of sacrifice. A man makes a million dollars a year, his tax is way less of a sacrifice to him than the lower tax of someone making $50K. When I think of it in these terms, I have very little sympathy for the upper income whining. I would raise their taxes, not lower them. Their sacrifice should approach mine. Using this as my barometer for who pays a higher price for the pleasure of living here, I do.

Trickle down has never worked and the term should be outlawed. Okay not outlawed but never ever should we be fooled into thinking that somehow if there is more money flowing upward, more will flow down. What a moronic concept. I have read the theory and it reads oh so great on paper. But the proof is in th epudding and so far it has been a dismal failure.

Corporate taxes - If a company sells something in this country, they should pay the tax on th eprofit, no matter where their headquarters are. We are still one of the biggest and maybe still are the biggest single market in the World. We should be using that fact to our advantage.

I would pass one law. This law would force legislators to find two laws to get rid of before they can pass one new one. There are entirely too many laws on the books. Contradicting, duplicating laws that muddy the waters and make getting anything done that much harder and more expensive.

And Lastly - Ship every lawyer in the country to, oh I don't know, just kick them out.

These are not necessarily solutions, just ideas and notions of things we might consider. At least I am thinking about it.