Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Now Comes The Question...

Did McCain pick another "Israel first" Jew?

You decide.

Chabad of Anchorage’s Rabbi Yosef Greenberg:
Gov. Palin has established a great relationship with the Jewish community over the years and has attended several of our Jewish cultural gala events. Gov. Palin also had plans to visit Israel with members of the Jewish community, however, for technical reason, the visit has not occurred yet.
Rob Eshman (Huntingon Post) quotes Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL)
John McCain's decision to select a vice presidential running mate that endorsed Pat Buchanan for President in 2000 is a direct affront to all Jewish Americans.
You can get opinions that point in every direction just by querying the Internet.

Will she actually Visit Israel with a gaggle of Alaskan Jews? If so - to be fair and balanced - will she also visit Mexico City with a bunch of Alaskan Mexicans? Or visit Saigon with some Alaskan Vietnamese?

It's her track record that tells us what she stands for, and so far, it indicates she is a bit overly pro-Jewish, perhaps because of a skewed Christian upbringing that stressed the O.T. while glossing over the N.T. That's no big deal, IF she puts America first in every decision she makes as a political leader.

The vital question is not about religion, but about worldwide political realities: How would she vote when the time comes to cut Israel loose to let it sink or swim on it's own merits? That time is coming, and we Americans, not Jewish Americans, not Mexican Americans, not African Americans, just us ordinary Americans, should - at the very least - be prepared for the consequences of such a vote... one way of the other.

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