Sunday, September 28, 2008

Good Question

I was reading an article called "Bet On Israel Bombing Iran" published on the Daily News opinion page and saw that a responder had asked the question;"
Why is someone anti-Semitic for not wanting to die for israel?
Good question.

It occurs to me the same mechanism is used by those who accuse someone of being a racist if they don't like Obama.

Both the pro-Israeli and pro-Obama people try to make you feel embarrassed and guilty if you don't see things their way, and they are both quite bullyish and vicious about it to the point that most people just prefer to remain quiet about their opinions, rather than give more fuel to the fanatics.

This - of course - gives both camps the false impression that they have won. However, the Jews are presently discovering that their tactic of accusing everybody who disagrees with them of anti-Semitism has run its course and lost its effectiveness, which has had the unexpected side effect of reducing the credibility of the so-called Holocaust.

Obama's supporters may have the opportunity to witness the consequences of calling so many ordinary folks "racist" in just a few weeks.

For the Jews, it's taking a bit longer.

A point to ponder:

Like it points out in the highlighted article, if the Jews bomb Iran, the Straits of Hormuz will be shut down, no oil will flow, assuring a true American depression far worse than 1929 ever was.

Would a real friend to America cause such a disaster? If the Jews do attack Iran, We can all finally reach the conclusion that Israel is no friend to the United States... never has been.

We have been their friends, but it has been a one-sided and costly relationship.

One more point to ponder:

If Iran ends up with a nuke or two in the next 5-10 years, they will still be facing an Israel with an estimated 300 to 500 nukes. Any attack by Iran would guarantee a retaliatory strike by Israel that would literally wipe Iran off the map, and start up WWIII as a bonus.

All this babble about Iran being such a nuclear threat to Israel is - in fact - nonsensical gibberish not supported by any real evidence or facts at all.

So, if the Jews do attack Iran, it will not be in fear of an Iranian nuclear assault. What is their hidden agenda that is worth send America spinning into a decades-long economic disaster?

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