Thursday, August 28, 2008

Hatchet Men

From an article by John McCormick and Steve Schmadeke:
DENVER -- Sen. Barack Obama's campaign organized its supporters Wednesday night to confront Tribune-owned WGN-AM in Chicago for having a critic of the Illinois Democrat on its air.

"WGN radio is giving right-wing hatchet man Stanley Kurtz a forum to air his baseless, fear-mongering terrorist smears," Obama's campaign wrote in an e-mail to supporters. "He's currently scheduled to spend a solid two-hour block from 9:00 to 11:00 p.m. pushing lies, distortions, and manipulations about Barack and University of Illinois professor William Ayers."
Biden, Obama's chosen one, is being trumpeted by the national media as the hatchet man for the lighbringer, the man who will attack McCain with similar baseless, fear-mongering smears, along with the obligatory and expected lies, distortions and manipulations, thereby keeping the "man the world has waited for" well above the fray.

I know, a bit sickening, but I am only repeating what has been said by others.

Smoke and mirrors, smoke and mirrors. Biden is Barak's Lieberman. Although Biden will no doubt say many nasty things about McCain, his real job will be to ensure that a President Obama does not change the status quo with Israel. Biden and Lieberman - sheepherders both - will have the job of ensuring that the United States, under the "leadership" of it's next president, does not drift from it's long-term and disastrous foreign policies that have put Israel before all else. Those two men - in actuality foreign agents - are no more Americans than Fidel Castro was.

Israel, a foreign nation that has total control of our media and our Congress, could give a damn who our next president is, so long as they have their "man" pulling the strings behind the scenes at the White House, ensuring that the next president does not "embarrass", harm or hamper Israel in any way.

Both Biden and Lieberman should sew Israeli flags on their shirt sleeves, since Israel is the place they promote and support first and foremost, with America's interests running a very distant second. Then, at least, we could refer to them as "honest", if nothing else.

If McCain does not choose Lieberman as his VP, expect a man - or woman - whose Jewish allegiances are unquestioned.

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