Friday, April 11, 2008

Pro Second-Death Obama

Just what we need more of:
In a sit-down interview with the "gay" magazine the Advocate, Sen. Barack Obama said, if elected, he foresees eliminating the military's "don't ask, don't tell policy" and passing the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, opposed by many faith-based groups that argue it would force them to accept homosexuals in leadership.

Obama indicated he wants the bill to include protection for transgenders, but acknowledged opposition in Congress is strong, noted David Brody, senior national correspondent for the Christian Broadcasting Network's news division, or CBN News.
Hot damn... Obama will apparently provide federal government support for more pedophiles, homosexuals, lesbians, transgenders and child molesters in our school systems, on our school boards, on our city councils, as lawyers and judges in our courtrooms, as representatives and senators that rule us all from on high in Washington.

And what's a "second-death"? The end of your line. You die... With no progeny to carry on your DNA, your history or your heritage. All before you in your long line of ancestors, stretching back to the dawn of history... whatever they and you had to offer to humanity's future - is lost. That's the "second death".

Better start hiding your kids in the basement, they have become legal targets for every group of "alternate" lifestylers on the planet, and apparently potential President of the United States "Senator" Barak Obama thinks it's all just fine. The poor, sick puppy... He'll suck up to any group at all to get votes.

You know what's really happened?

While we ordinary folks were all busy making a living and supporting our families, these people that promote a lifestyle that would end all human life in one generation - a lifestyle that can produce no children - have spent their time and money getting into positions of authority. Places like school boards, city councils, positions of power and influence in government and business at all levels, spreading their practices by using our courts, government and the HR departments in business everywhere against us. And now they're in the drivers seat. They determine the school agendas and what gets taught. They decide who gets hired or fired. They own the courts. They control just about everything that has sway over our daily lives, particularly the lives of our young children.

As a result, we now have a generation of otherwise normal adults that were raised under this topsy-turvy mess that actually think it's all OK for these people to forcefully impose their lifestyles on everybody else, like it or not. Obama appears to be one of these "it's all OK" types.

It has become beyond obvious they don't just want to be left alone, to live their lives out as they see fit. They want our children as their personal playtoys and want us silenced, defeated, gone. They have declared a take-no-prisoners war against us. You can end up in jail for just trying to protect your kids from these deviates. They want free rein to prey on our children in order to satisfy their particular sexual practices, and will stomp you into the ground if you object, using our own courts and government to do it.

You can't fight them in the PTA, you can't fight them in the courts, you can't get the government to protect your interests, or your children's interests.

As a result, the only way we have left to stop them is to stop them dead.

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