Monday, March 24, 2008

Bush And His 4,000 Dead

Bush just spoke about the 4,000 Americans that have died in his war. He said they did not die in vain, but that they died to lay the foundations for generations of peace.

How so? Between Bush and his possible Republican replacement, McCain, we have been absolutely guaranteed generations of war.

It was George W. Bush's personal hatred of Saddam that led to his invasion and occupation of Iraq, not his "War on Terror", not the search for Osama bin Laden, and for certain he did not order the invasion of Iraq to lay the foundation for generations of peace.

Except for the few Americans who died in Afghanistan when we were actually after Osama, the rest have truly "died in vain", because we will leave Iraq, just as we left Viet Nam, and the enemy - just like in Viet Nam - will have won.

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