Thursday, March 15, 2007

The BS Filter

Scott Adams--of Dilbert fame--recently talked of his (and I quote) "bullshit filter" and various things that trigger it. His BS filter is something that goes off when he reads or hears a story that just doesn't compute, one that has a host of holes in it.

I suppose we all have a BS filter. It's what makes us sit up and say, "That's a load of crap!"

My own BS filter went off today on a story being presented by our esteemed video media.

BS filter alarm:
WASHINGTON (AP) - Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the suspected mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks, confessed to that attack and a chilling string of other terror plots during a military hearing at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, according to a transcript released Wednesday by the Pentagon.
We are told that this man confessed to 29 actual or planned attacks including the 911 attack from "A to Z", the beheading of that fool reporter Pearl, attacks on targets just about everywhere, planned assassinations of Clinton and Carter, hatched a plot to blow up Big Ben in London... I think the only thing he missed was the bombing of the USS Cole.

This man, who has "confessed" to all these crimes has been--according to many reports--water boarded, sleep deprived and who knows what else during his long stay at various American run prisons external to our borders and beyond the reach of our legal system.

No doubt this guy is a bad dude that has done some very nasty stuff. But for him to suddenly "willingly" confess to be the ringleader and planner of just about every terrorist attack ever--even that dumbass shoebomber Reid and his pathetic attempt to blow up an airplane--smacks of a man tired of torture, a man who has finally been totally broken, a man who is now confessing to anything, up to and perhaps including stealing Girl Scout Cookies.

The whole story smells... it actually reeks, and the timing is highly suspect. Thus the BS filter activation.

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