Tuesday, March 13, 2007

AIPAC... True To Form

House Minority Leader John Boehner and House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi both spoke to the annual meeting of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee and the 5,000 to 6,000 rabidly pro-Israel members present.

Most of the crowd stood and loudly applauded Boehner when he said the U.S. had no choice but to win in Iraq. Boehner sought to link the fight in Iraq to the future of Israel, as he said a failure in Iraq would pose a direct threat to Israel.

That's amusing... I have always contended that America attacked Iraq not because of Saddam, or of his supposed WMD's, or his non-existant ties to the Al Quaeda terrorists, but to elminate Iraq as a threat to Israel, which it was. The Israeli influence in our government is what sent us to war in Iraq... To protect Israel.

Nancy Pelosi, apparantly not trying to suck up to the Jews in the audience, said the U.S. military campaign in Iraq had to be judged on three accounts: whether it makes the U.S. safer, the U.S. military stronger and the region more stable.

“The war in Iraq fails on all three counts,” Pelosi said.

Out came the catcalls and boos from the very people who suckered us into this war. And to top it all off, a top priority of this group of ingrates at this gathering is to convince Congress to approve tougher sanctions on Iran, which is seen as a growing threat to--guess where--Israel.

Let America do it. Let the stupid Americans get their kids slaughtered by the enemies of Israel. Let the stupid Americans bankrupt their nation spending billions and billions on a war to protect Israel. Let the stupid Americans make lifelong enemies of a billion Muslims.

Meanwhle,the Israelis sit on their thumbs, enjoying the show.

Perhaps Pelosi is aware of how Israel has used and abused America. But Boehner--traitor that he is--is all for more of the same.

Bend over and grab your socks America, the Jews are about to stick it to us again, this time with Iran.

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