Saturday, June 10, 2006

Who Broke What Truce?

Hamas Military Wing Calls Off Israel Truce
Jun 09 8:07 PM US/Eastern

Associated Press Writers


Hamas militants called off a truce with Israel on Friday after a barrage of Israeli artillery shells tore into Palestinians at a beachside picnic in the Gaza Strip, killing seven civilians.
Even the most blindered supporter of Israel should be able to see through this spin job and realize who actually broke the truce first, by objectively reading what is written.

I'm not taking sides here, since Hamas and the Palestinians have done more than their share of truce breaking, but trying to cast Israel as the victim in this incident is laughable.

Study the second half of the above quote where it says "... after a barrage of Israeli artillery shells tore into Palestinians at a beachside picnic in the Gaza Strip, killing seven civilians."

Doesn't that count?

Interpreting reports on the events over there in Insanity Land is always difficult at best, since both sides lie, spin and progagandize to the hilt, but this report has a clarity of truth in it that is wholly unexpected.

Are Deeb And Barzak unbiased observers and reporters of the facts? Well, in this case they apparently reported the facts, but are laughably transparent in their attempt to spin the blame.

It's just another dismal report about the everyday events in Insanity Land, where hatred always wins the day, and -- in the long run -- will not change a thing.

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